Background Check

STOP: Did you do the Online Training and fill out an Involvement Form? Go back to our main Volunteer Page to make sure you see all the steps to volunteer!

We invite you to participate in our PSO community by signing up to volunteer after your background check has been approved. Every volunteer must have an approved background check on file prior to volunteering on campus or chaperoning a field trip. These forms are valid July 1st - June 30th and expire each year, so volunteers who have submitted background forms in prior years still need to submit a new form for the current school year. 

The background check process is simple and takes less than 5 minutes to complete. Click here now to get started! The processing fee is $6 and must be done EVERY YEAR. SAVE YOUR CONFIRMATION EMAIL.

**You will receive two automated emails from Raptor after completing your volunteer application (background check). The first email indicates your volunteer application was received. The second email indicates your volunteer application (background check) was either approved or disapproved. 

If approved, your name will appear in the Raptor system at the school and you will be able to get a volunteer badge upon check-in to volunteer at the school. If you are not approved, your name will not appear in the Raptor system at the school and you will not be able to get a volunteer badge upon check-in to volunteer at the school.